
Welcome to Lestari Therapies

If you suffer from lower back pain, tight and sore shoulders or a stiff neck

We can help.

Reduce Stress with Massage

Sitting for long periods at the office or while working from home, carrying an injury and daily stresses contribute to pressure accumulating in the muscles. 

Studies of the benefits of massage demonstrate that it is an effective treatment for reducing stress and relieving muscle tension, boosting morale and increasing your productivity.

Onsite chair massage is carried out in your workplace through clothes and treatments are tailored to the individual. We combine different styles of massage to enable treatments to be more personal to the client: using a blend of deep tissue, Indian Head and Acupressure massage, relaxing music and scents.

Our therapies are performed in your office or workplace, with minimal disruption, and will have you and your team performing at their best.

See our services page or contact us for more information about our stress-reducing solutions.


chair massage

As a member of the IMTA our therapies may qualify for Irish Life Health rebates depending upon your Insurance plan

How Does massage Help You?

Boosts health

Studies show that massage reduces muscle tension, inflammation and pain. This includes back and leg pain caused by prolonged seating. 

Increases staff loyalty

Improved sleeping patterns not only reduces tiredness, 
but also stress levels and helps to lower workplace absenteeism.

Improves team performance

Reducing anxiety levels by lowering both SBP (systolic blood pressure) and DBP (diastolic blood pressure) and lowering cortisol levels improves alertness and employee focus

Improving Workplace Wellness 

According to the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) affecting different parts of the body used for movement including the skeleton, muscles, tendons and ligaments is responsible for the overwhelming majority of absences, at 50 per cent.

This is followed by work-related stress, anxiety and depression-related illness (SAD) at 18 per cent. A European-wide survey on working conditions conducted by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work found 22 per cent of workers in Ireland experienced stress at work “always” or “most of the time”. The proportion that always experienced stress was the third highest in the EU15 and 10th highest among the 34 countries surveyed.

Our therapies are the perfect answer to this. They will improve employee morale, create a more positive work environment, and increase productivity. We will provide an effective solution to reduce stress in your workplace.